I’m supporting Ken Inouye because I know he will work tirelessly hand in hand with me for our community.
Ken Inouye is the proven leader we need to serve our community with integrity, vision, and commitment as our next State Representative.
Mililani & Waipi‘o Gentry
Ken Inouye has the heart and expertise to be a great public servant.
I am looking forward to working with him to make our community an even better place.
Ken Inouye will be the kind of Legislator we need. He is serious, a good listener, and community minded. He is modest and demonstrates local values.
At neighborhood board meetings, he comes on time and stays until the end. He pays close attention, and asks relevant questions.
I support his election to serve District 37.
Retired Mililani & Waipi‘o
State Representative
Ken Inouye is the right choice for State Representative.
His honesty, integrity, and genuine care for the safety and future of our community set him apart as the leader we need.
Community Leader and
Retired Police Officer
Due to his proven leadership, enthusiasm and deep appreciation of public service, I sincerely believe that KEN INOUYE truly exemplifies the qualities of a candidate worthy of support for his aspiration to serve in the Hawai‘i State Legislature.
I wish Ken all the best in the upcoming elections and I hope the voters in the district will find it in their heart to extend their support on his candidacy as well.
Mahalo & DIos ti Agngina!
Retired State Representative
Ken Inouye is a team player. His commitment is to work tirelessly for our community while being inclusive and leading with aloha.
This is the kind of leadership our community deserves, and this is why I am supporting Ken.
Ken Inouye understands the importance of collaborating with Public Safety officials and community members.
Through his leadership, we will strengthen partnerships to improve our quality of life and build a greater community.
Retired Assistant Police Chief
Ken’s love for our community, coupled with his committed and thoughtful nature makes him the best candidate to represent us in the Legislature.
We know he will work hard for all of us.
Mililani Residents
We’re for Ken. He is caring, concerned, and committed to our community.
We know Ken. We know he will listen to our concerns and will do his best for our community.
Retired Principal and
Retired Mililani State Senator
Ken is deeply committed to our community and the local values that bind us all together. It’s why I support Ken, and hope you will too!
Community Leader
Grateful for our supporters!
Colette Miyamoto-Kajiwara
Soccer Coach
Steve McGehee
Karen Bell and
Dist. Governor Lori Inouye-Yamashita
District 50 Hawai‘i Lions
Ms. Allicia Thompson
Waipi‘o Dance Instructor
John Monis
Waipi‘o Resident
Martina Segura and Carmen Segura
Miililani Residents
Paul Alimbuyao
Former President Filipino Chamber
of Commerce
State Representative
Andrew Garrett
Former Dist. Governor Gary Nip
District 50 Hawai‘i Lions
and Joyce Nip
Mike Magaoay
Retired State Representative
Darcelle Ross and Caz Ross
Longtime Waipi‘o Residents
Marilyn B. Lee
Retired Mililani and Waipi‘o
State Representative
Football Coach
Rod York
Brian Miyamoto
Agricultural Leader,
Longtime Mililani Resident
Principal Troy Temura
Patricia and Melvin Nishimoto
Mililani Residents
Principal Fred Murphy
Felipe “Jun” Abinsay
Retired State Representative
Retired Principal Vernon Young
and Dawn Young
Athletic Director
Joy Matsukawa
Mrs. Karen Ebato
School Community Leader
Baseball Coach
Mark Hirayama
Randy Macadangdang
Retired Assistant Police Chief
Senator Michelle Kidani
Mililani and Waipi‘o
Tina Yamaki
Business Leader,
Miililani Mauka Resident
Jan and Randy Iwase
Retired Principal and
Retired Mililani State Senator
Josie Hart Ka‘anehe
Community Leader and
Retired Police Officer
Walter Dods
Business Leader
Retired Principal Ed Oshiro, Ryan Nishimoto, Jake Nishimoto,
Kekai Kahanu, and Kawika Kahanu
Retired Principal
Phyllis Shipman
Softball Coach
Rose Antonio
Danielle Bass
Community Leader
Lion George Tamashiro
Mililani Lions Club Charter Member
Christine Martinez
Special Education Teacher,
Mililani Resident
Will Kane
Community Leader
Dean and Julie Kazama
and Madison Domingo
Mililani Residents
Battalion Fire Chief Lance Gaspar
and Stefanie Sakamoto
Mililani Residents
Ed Flores
Community Leader
Wayne Takahashi
Longtime Mililani Resident